Flash Flood

Feeling Like A Sheep Hiding

From Life’s Obvious yet Oblivious Dramas


Falling Like A Snowflake, Helplessly

beFore the Lord, One and Only Dad


Facing Life As Sudden Happenings

Force Leaning On One another each Day


Father’s Look At Such Hurts

Feeling Love Offering Open unDerstanding


Forced Leaning Against the Savior’s Hands

Feels Like Our hOpelessness Disappears


Our property yesterday morning after the water started to go down.


Our Property today almost 36 hours later.

Please remember those who live where flash flooding is real. It isn’t easy and emotions and fears don’t disappear as quickly as the flood waters do. Some handle it better then others but it is still quite a bit to get over. Just because the creeks and ponds are back in their banks doesn’t mean a person feels safer. Pray for those who live where flooding can occur anytime. Pray for them when rain comes quick and swift. Pray for them after the rain is gone and life seems to be normal again, because it probably isn’t normal to them. Pray……

Floods come in many forms. Physical, Emotional, Spiritual—Literal, Figurative—-No matter what form it appears in, know that they are real to the people that are involved. Know that they affect and impact, they hurt, they deplete, they reek havoc. Floods can be any trial or temptation. God gives and He takes away. It is hard at times to see Him through the waters of despair and struggles. We don’t always know why these come our way. They test our faith and beg to draw us closer to God. Will we? Will we allow others to help? Will we see His hand? Will we hear His voice? Will we accept the floods as they come into our lives? Will We?

Are you prepared for a flash flood? No matter what that flood is!


“Here I raise mine Ebenezer;
hither by thy help I’m come;
and I hope, by thy good pleasure,
safely to arrive at home.
Jesus sought me when a stranger,
wandering from the fold of God;
he, to rescue me from danger,
interposed his precious blood.”

Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing

Come thou fount of every blessing is a very rich and profound hymn.

In our church we sing it by spells but it never ceases to be at the back of my mind. Who can’t relate to the hymn writer’s soul when he wrote “Prone to wander, Lord I feel it, Prone to leave the God I love.” Isn’t there an essence of all of us in those few short words? Even more who in their Christian walk in life hasn’t set up or encountered at least one Ebenezer Stone? Stones in the old testament are very important to God! They are markers of one sort or another. The Ebenezer stone was set up by Samuel (1 Samuel 7:12-14). It was a stone of help. Can you imagine it in your life? “Here I raise my Ebenezer, hither by Thy help I come.” Think of it when you sing these words, can you close your eyes and feel your hands rise in praise, your heart soar with adoration, your mind perplexed with gratitude? It’s hard to say what my stone of Ebenezer is exactly, but I love to let my mind wander and at times I can see a stone in front of me as I worship, only it’s not a stone, it’s my Savior, my help in times of trouble, my Rock, my Fortress, my Redeemer. I see green pastures behind Him and a dessert behind me. In that moment I choose to enter into the safety of my Stone of Ebenezer. For surely the Lord is in that Place. Surely He is our ultimate Ebenezer, if only we seek His help, His embrace. If only we accept it. But alas, we are all human, and we once again are “prone to wander…..prone to leave the God we love.” And when we do, He reaches His blessed hand out, and reminds us Ebenezer is there if we only call, if we only surrender, if we are willing to walk the dessert to rest in the green pastures of His love. So as you go about your daily routine, as you struggle through this or that, as you sit on the mountain top He has placed you on; reflect on your Ebenezer and “Praise His name…..Be fixed upon it…..Name of God’s redeeming love!” And remember when you feel like your going to wander, He is there waiting to hold you in His arms and love you as only He can.