So Monday Night I found myself rushing off to find a fast babysitter (PTL for church friends who are neighbors) and then heading down to the Emergenycy Room….Sigh…Just when you think life is dull…BAM (literally)

See this is what happened. We pulled into our driveway from running errands and I got distracted and WHAM…AHHH….I found myself with my left index finger slammed in the car door…(not recommended). the door latched so we surely though it was broken so off to the ER we went for a 3 hour stay just for this silly injury.Well, we praise God the by His loving hand my finger was not broken just badly bruised. So they sent me home looking like this…Lisa Finger 001a And in the morning this is what it looked like after the bandage came off…My finger is still very sore, numb, bruised and slightly swollen…

Lisa Finger 005a Lisa Finger 004a

DEAR FRIENDS–I highly DONT recommend that you ever get a finger caught in a car door….

COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS…No matter how small….

The Great Guessing Game

 This is what you do when you have nothing better to do on a rainy day…

Below you will find several baby pictures, your job is to identify who they are…Some babies are in here twice…Have fun…

Here are the names to choose from: Me(Lisa), Lowell, Titus, Jairus, Kyla(my neice), Timmy (my nephew), Julianna(Lowells niece), Zachary(Lowell’s nephew), Isaiah(Lowell’s nephew), Aubrey(Titus’ cousin),Hadassah(Lowell’s neice)

1-family baby pica 2-10 days olda

3-baby pic4a 4-Family baby Pics

5-Family baby Pics 6-Family baby Pics

7-Baby pic3a 8-Baby pic

9-baby pic10-Titus 49a

11-Family baby Pics 12-Family baby Pics

13-Misc 118a 14- Titus 49aa

Post your answers and I will give you the correct answers next week sometime….

This all came about because both my dad and my husband have mistaken other family baby pictures for Jairus so…I am curious to see how all my xanga and non-xanga friends do…For those of you who do not have a xanga name, leave a comment with your answers anyway, or message me…. This should be fun….


The Great Guessing Game

 This is what you do when you have nothing better to do on a rainy day…

Below you will find several baby pictures, your job is to identify who they are…Some babies are in here twice…Have fun…

Here are the names to choose from: Me(Lisa), Lowell, Titus, Jairus, Kyla(my neice), Timmy (my nephew), Julianna(Lowells niece), Zachary(Lowell’s nephew), Isaiah(Lowell’s nephew), Aubrey(Titus’ cousin),Hadassah(Lowell’s neice)

1-family baby pica 2-10 days olda

3-baby pic4a 4-Family baby Pics

5-Family baby Pics 6-Family baby Pics

7-Baby pic3a 8-Baby pic

9-baby pic10-Titus 49a

11-Family baby Pics 12-Family baby Pics

13-Misc 118a 14- Titus 49aa

Post your answers and I will give you the correct answers next week sometime….

This all came about because both my dad and my husband have mistaken other family baby pictures for Jairus so…I am curious to see how all my xanga and non-xanga friends do…For those of you who do not have a xanga name, leave a comment with your answers anyway, or message me…. This should be fun….


The Great Guessing Game

 This is what you do when you have nothing better to do on a rainy day…

Below you will find several baby pictures, your job is to identify who they are…Some babies are in here twice…Have fun…

Here are the names to choose from: Me(Lisa), Lowell, Titus, Jairus, Kyla(my neice), Timmy (my nephew), Julianna(Lowells niece), Zachary(Lowell’s nephew), Isaiah(Lowell’s nephew), Aubrey(Titus’ cousin),Hadassah(Lowell’s neice)

1-family baby pica 2-10 days olda

3-baby pic4a 4-Family baby Pics

5-Family baby Pics 6-Family baby Pics

7-Baby pic3a 8-Baby pic

9-baby pic10-Titus 49a

11-Family baby Pics 12-Family baby Pics

13-Misc 118a 14- Titus 49aa

Post your answers and I will give you the correct answers next week sometime….

This all came about because both my dad and my husband have mistaken other family baby pictures for Jairus so…I am curious to see how all my xanga and non-xanga friends do…For those of you who do not have a xanga name, leave a comment with your answers anyway, or message me…. This should be fun….


The Great Guessing Game

 This is what you do when you have nothing better to do on a rainy day…

Below you will find several baby pictures, your job is to identify who they are…Some babies are in here twice…Have fun…

Here are the names to choose from: Me(Lisa), Lowell, Titus, Jairus, Kyla(my neice), Timmy (my nephew), Julianna(Lowells niece), Zachary(Lowell’s nephew), Isaiah(Lowell’s nephew), Aubrey(Titus’ cousin),Hadassah(Lowell’s neice)

1-family baby pica 2-10 days olda

3-baby pic4a 4-Family baby Pics

5-Family baby Pics 6-Family baby Pics

7-Baby pic3a 8-Baby pic

9-baby pic10-Titus 49a

11-Family baby Pics 12-Family baby Pics

13-Misc 118a 14- Titus 49aa

Post your answers and I will give you the correct answers next week sometime….

This all came about because both my dad and my husband have mistaken other family baby pictures for Jairus so…I am curious to see how all my xanga and non-xanga friends do…For those of you who do not have a xanga name, leave a comment with your answers anyway, or message me…. This should be fun….


Random Happenings

You all are probably tired of all my updates being about my boys….Sigh…I wish I could say there were other things for me to update about but not really. We are very blessed to not have anything serious or major going on. So with that said here are some boy pictures….

Jairus in now 4 months old and stealing our hearts in a new way every day…


He has started solids and has caught on quick. I love this stage…


Uncle Tristan absolutely loves this little guy, he is so good to our little boys…


This is all the “Hershey Grandchildren”

Left to Right; Titus holding Jairus, Cayden holding Kahumay, Uriah holding Lucas and David

March Misc

And last is our little “Houdini” hand…This is why swaddling is important, this little hand often finds it’s way out and wakes this little guy up, it even manages to escape from the tightest swaddle.


Well, that is it for now… Blessings on the rest of your week and may God send an awesome Revival your way….

Random Happenings

You all are probably tired of all my updates being about my boys….Sigh…I wish I could say there were other things for me to update about but not really. We are very blessed to not have anything serious or major going on. So with that said here are some boy pictures….

Jairus in now 4 months old and stealing our hearts in a new way every day…


He has started solids and has caught on quick. I love this stage…


Uncle Tristan absolutely loves this little guy, he is so good to our little boys…


This is all the “Hershey Grandchildren”

Left to Right; Titus holding Jairus, Cayden holding Kahumay, Uriah holding Lucas and David

March Misc

And last is our little “Houdini” hand…This is why swaddling is important, this little hand often finds it’s way out and wakes this little guy up, it even manages to escape from the tightest swaddle.


Well, that is it for now… Blessings on the rest of your week and may God send an awesome Revival your way….