It’s a kids life

it is so fun watching these two amazing little boys grow up and learn new things everyday…

Jairus is now 11 months old (where does the time go) and proud of it…


with being 11 months old comes the ability to start feeding yourself


it also DOES NOT mean you are no longer prone to getting stuck


On the other hand being 2 years old means you have a budding imagination…

Take this saddle…

Titus October 029a

or the repurposed stackable rings…

Titus October 033a

And the cool thing about being two is when you hand the lady at the door (of Costco) your reciept you get it handed back with a puppy on the back…how neat is that…


Well, I need to go…I am super blessed to not have to cook tonight due to a very dear friend (thank you) who realizes the struggle it is to cook supper while nauseous… so may God show you some creative ways to be a blessing to others…


A Walking, Buggy Tomato

OKAY…Well, maybe not quite like that….But I got your attention…

Jairus is all but walking. He is loving his push toys or anything he can push to walk behind. So the question is, when will he actually begin to walk???Hmmm….


Meet our amazing friend. This is probably one of the only bugs I am okay with. I think they are amazing. Titus wasn’t too sure though as long as it stayed on the other side of the door he was good. We came home one night and he was walking along our door frame to come in. He hung around outside the door for quite a while.

October Misc

Lastly, our tomato situation. Frost offically hit here and we cleaned our plants off yesterday before the tomatoes were killed along with the stalks. So, now I am left with this big box of green tomatoes. Does anyone have any ideas on what I can do with green tomatoes? Please Help…

October Misc

Well, thats it…Blessings on your week.

What keeps you busy?

Well, this is what keeps me busy…

40 quarts of tomatoes out of my freezer, now cooked and jarred…

In the roaster is the beginnings of spagetti sauce.

October Misc

In the next pot, we have the beginnings of tomato juice…

 October Misc

And in the next pan the beginnings of tomato soup…

October Misc

Titus even got in on the helping…

October Misc  

We started about 9:00 am and the last jar was pulled out of the canner at 2:30 pm…

We got roughly 38 pints of product.

October Misc

Next is grapes… I still have another box to do… sigh…

Grapes with stems…

October Misc

Grapes without stems…

 October Misc

Grapes being processed… yes there is an easier way then how I did it, I just don’t have the right equipment, so you make do with what you got…

October Misc

Some of the finished product…This is what we did with the jar that didn’t seal…Mmmm..fresh homemade grape juice, can’t get much better then that

  October Misc

And what would one of my posts be with out some pictures of my wonderful boys…

October 011a October 006a October 009a

Jairus can officially climb to our secind floor without help…kinda scary actually…now i guess we need to train him on coming down

 October 001a

And for the Ebersole’s, Titus has rediscovered the shoes you got him last year and just loves running around the house in them….

Titus October 013a

Have a super, awesome week reflecting on God’s precious gift to us. I am so excited for lovefeast this weekend. Keep your mind focused on the things above…. Blessings!!!


As promised…Here are some of my random pictures from Sept.

I was blessed when one of my “brother-in-laws” gave me a few daliahs I loved them.

September Misc September Misc

Next every year we seem to get a very curious looking vegetable. Here is this years. I added two cloves for eyes because it looked like it needed it.

September Misc September Misc

These past couple days I have been hearing the word STUCK alot. I haven’t always had my camera handy or the stuck was too great to get a picture and rescue was needed, so, here are the ones I got.

J Titus Second Birthday 108a

And here is Jairus’ 10 month picture. This is my favorite outfit and to think I got it garage saling for about 1/4 of the price it would be in stores. YEAH…


I have been blessed this past week by great friendships of encouragement. Take time this week to encourage a friend and let them know you care.
